
第二语言学习者的不同学习条件 - 英语教学法原著选读93(附家长指南和语音讲解)

2017-02-24 武太白 武太白英语教学


互动观:朋友帮点忙 - 语言学习的几种理论解释(3)(英语教学法原著选读92)





另一个关键点,modulated speech,或称modified input,即大人对孩子所说的语言,也很重要。在前面的几期选读中,我们不断强调大人的语言质量对孩童语言发展的极端重要性,这一期我们就看到作者说,“面向儿童的语言”也并不是每个人都擅长的,有的人就是有这样的能力,知道学习者需要怎样的语言调整才能弄懂对话的意思。




以下英文原文取自上海外语教育出版社引进出版、授权转载的“外语教学法丛书”之九《语言学习机制》第一章“Learning a First Language”:

原文(作者:Lightbown & Spada)


Heading: Theoretical approaches to explaining first language learning 


Learning conditions


Younger learners, in an informal second language learning environment, are usually allowed to be silent until they are ready to speak. Older learners are often forced to speak——to meet the requirements of a classroom or to carry out everyday tasks such as shopping, medical visits, or job interviews. Young children in informal settings are usually exposed to the second language for many hours every day. Older learners, especially students in language classrooms, are more likely to receive only limited exposure to the second language.


One condition which appears to be common to learners of all ages—though perhaps not in equal quantities——is access to modified input. This adjusted speech style, which is called child-directed speech for first languages, is sometimes called foreigner talk or teacher talk for second languages. Many people who interact regularly with language learners seem to have an intuitive sense of what adjustments are needed to help learners understand. Of course, some people are better at this than others. We have all witnessed those painful conversations in which insensitive people seem to think that they can make learners understand better if they simply talk louder! Some Canadian friends recently told us of an experience they had in China. They were visiting some historic temples and wanted to get more information about them than they could glean from their guidebook. They asked their guide some questions about the monuments. Unfortunately, their limited Chinese and his nonexistent English made it difficult for them to exchange information. The guide kept speaking louder and louder, but our friends understood very little. Finally, in frustration, the guide concluded that it would help if these hopeless foreigners could see the information—so he took a stick and began writing in the sand——in Chinese characters!


As we saw in Chapter 1, error correction in first language acquisition tends to be limited to corrections of meaning—including errors in vocabulary choice. In informal second language acquisition, errors which do nor interfere with meaning are usually overlooked. Most people would feel they were being impolite if they interrupted, and corrected someone who was trying to have a conversation with them! Nevertheless, they may react to an error if they cannot understand what the speaker is trying to say. Thus, errors of grammar and pronunciation are rarely remarked on, but the wrong word choice may receive comment from a puzzled interlocutor. The only place where feedback on error is typically present with high frequency is the language classroom. As we shall see, however, it is not present in all classrooms.



A general theory of sla needs to account for language acquisition by learners with a variety of characteristics, learning in a variety of contexts. The emphasis in this chapter is on the theories which have been proposed to explain the learning mechanisms which are common to all second language learners. In Chapter 3, we will look at proposals for how differences among learners may lead to differences in their learning success.



